Thursday, March 11, 2010

Visual Stimulation Helps Learning

Look at this Sweets And Treats 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. What do you see? How does it make you feel? Some experts believe what we take in through our eyes to be the most influential of all our senses. Our brain takes in and stores all the conscious and subconscious, subtle and overt nuances of all we see. These "imprints" can have a positive or negative influence on our ability and speed at which we learn. For example, then party puzzle picture above that has all sorts of candy, cupcakes, candles, etc., will imprint our consciousness much differently that a picture of a burning house, or a picture of a recently bombed city in Iraq. When we see these two images, the sweets and treats jigsaw puzzle above may invoke feelings of peace, love, togetherness and uplifting states of mind. The picture of a burning house may invoke feelings of stress and sadness. Science shows we learn better when we feel at peace. Allowing our young children to see destructive images does not activate the parts the brain congruent with accelerated learning power. On the contrary, it actually blocks some types of learning. Do you think soving an uplifting puzzle with your children will put them in a state of mind more condusive to learning?

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