Friday, March 5, 2010

Frogs Gone Wild

Have our frogs gone wild or is it something in the water? In August 1995, a bunch of kids from Minnesota, who love frog puzzles, found some frogs that had some weird characteristics and didn't look like normal frogs. Some of the frogs had missing legs, some had extra legs, and some were missing eyes or had some other deformities. The children were very worried about the frogs so they went to their teacher, and together contacted the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Thanks to the watchful efforts of these children, lots of research has been done to find out what is causing these deformities. Unfortunately no one really knows for sure what is causing them. Some possible causes that scientists are researching include: contaminated water, ultraviolet radiation caused by a depleted ozone layer, parasites, or chemicals in the environment. Have you found any of these frogs in your area or seen any frog jigsaw puzzles with these frogs depicted on them?

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