Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Unconditional Love

Take a look at these two 1000 piece puzzles. We love our pets so much. One out of every three households in America have pets. Many of them being dogs. These two dog puzzles show us just how much we love our dogs and how frustrated we can be with them at the same time. Sometimes having pets can be like having children. They can be a companion that will give you unconditional love. Our dogs will typically love us no matter what. How many times do you walk in from a long day and walk right past your dog who is sitting at the door wagging his tail in anticipation of a glance or a two minute pet on the head. The next day there he sits again. Then when they do something to upset you, like walk on your freshly painted porch like the ones in this dog puzzle, how can you be upset with them when they give you those innocent puppy eyes. You know they would not do anything intentionally to upset you but yet you yell and scowl at them and the next day there they sit again, waiting patiently for a mere two minutes of your time. If that is not unconditional love I do not know what is. We should treat our loved ones with this kind of unconditional love and the world might be a better place. Will you try harder to be patient with your children after reading this?

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