Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Saturday Evening Post Jigsaw Puzzle

For over three quarters of a century, master artist Norman Rockwell has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of Americans with his beloved Saturday Evening Post cover illustrations. Born in New York in 1894, Norman Rockwell painted his first of 322 Saturday Evening Post covers at the age of 22. This remarkable affiliation would span two World Wars and chronicle the invention of telephone, radio, automobiles and television. These two 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles depict the rich quality in his art. No other artist’s imagery speaks so directly to the essence of American life. In a style rich with humor and candor, Norman Rockwell conveys the ideals of freedom, democracy and equality. Truly the "People’s Painter", Norman Rockwell's Saturday Evening Post covers unveil the poignant beauty of everyday life. These superbly crafted Saturday Evening Post jigsaw puzzles encourage the rediscovery and enjoyment of a marvelous piece of American Art History; still so relevant for today.

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