Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Family Fun

It is all too easy to get caught up running from one place to the next these days. One child needs to get to soccer practice, while another is going off to a ballet or gymnastics class and yet another is out spending time with friends. It is hard to get everyone together to spend some quality time together. Family quality time is a great concept but does not seem to fit into our modern day family schedules. There are very few activities that a whole family can be involved in at the same time. It is important for families to get together and learn, talk and just catch up on what is going on with everyone. Many families today are resorting to video games for getting the family together. Playing video games isn't really interactive and conducive to great conversations the way that playing board games are. Watching TV or even having a DVD movie night is another past time but it isn't going to help you to start talking and really stay connected with your family. What you need when planning a family fun night is a focus for everyone’s attention, a centerpiece for the evening which promotes conversation. One of the best answers is a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle or a 200 piece jigsaw puzzle. They are not so big that they will take a week to solve, but offers that centerpiece you need to promote conversation and can generally be solved in a few hours.

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