Thursday, April 29, 2010

Moon Jigsaw Puzzle

If you like jigsaw puzzles and you are fastinated with the moon, here are some moon puzzles that you may like. One of these moon puzzles has an awe-inspiring landscape that has captured the moon in its most gorgeous state and will take your breath, away! Another one is a beautiful image of the moon rising over the Iguazu Falls located on the border of Brazil and Argentina in South America. Finally there is one with a beautiful image of the moon rising over Mount Rainer. Solving a moon puzzle can be a relaxing way to enjoy the evening after a hard days work or just to get the family together and remember some of the images of the moon you experienced together.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Country Greetings

How calming is it to live in the country. The birds singing, the water flowing over the rocks in the stream and just the clop clop sound of a horse drawn wagon ride will lighten the heart. There are many ways to enjoy the countryside. You could take a walk through the park or take a trip to a country village cafe. Another way is to admire the beauty of an art jigsaw puzzle, once you have put it together. Art puzzles can be a way to escape the busy times in our life and take a few minutes each day to unwind and relax while assembling a puzzle. What are your favorite country scenes?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dinosaur Puzzles For Kids

Practically every child in the world, at some point, has been enthused with dinosaurs and who can blame them. Actually, probably most adults are intrigued by the dinosaur facts that have shown up over the years. Dinosaurs were a great part of our world history, and even though we may never understand completely why they became extinct, the fact remains that walking with dinosaurs must have been an amazing feat, and we all, in some way, would like to know more about the mystery of dinosaurs. Children, of course, think that a dinosaurs are the most awesome creatures in the world. Dinosaurs for kids are plentiful. Stuffed animals, movies, action figures, dinosaur puzzles all represent to children what amazing creatures that dinosaurs were. As we get older, we don’t lose the awe that dinosaurs inspire in us. As new dinosaur facts are presented we are all glued to the television or newspaper just trying to comprehend the magnitude of the era in which dinosaurs ruled the world. And it seems that the more we know, the more we want to know. The sad thing is, we may never fully know what walking with dinosaurs would be like. We can put together dinosaur jigsaw puzzles, watch the movies and learning specials, but to have actually walked in their world is a feeling that seems out of reach. However, the more we learn about these amazing creatures, the more we can strive to place ourselves in their world. One day, it may be possible to get a feel of what living and walking with dinosaurs really was. Until then, we can still dream.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jigsaw Puzzles Help Kids Learn

When children work on puzzles, they are actually "putting the pieces together" in more ways than one. Puzzles help children build the skills they need to read, write, solve problems, and coordinate their thoughts and actions; all of which they will use in school and beyond. Find a kids jigsaw puzzle with a picture that has particular interest for your child, and you may help him/her begin to recognize colors and letters, and come to realize that the sum of parts make up a whole: a concept that will help him/her with math later on. By inserting pieces into the puzzle, children also develop the muscle group used for writing, or the "pincer" grasp. Children can work on kids jigsaw puzzles by themselves, without the help of adults or other children. They can also work together on large puzzles and practice social skills like compromising and getting along. Because each child must concentrate on the puzzle individually, he experiences a sense of satisfaction as he picks up a piece, rotates it, and discovers the spot in which it fits. Piece by piece, he begins to recognize the picture that the puzzle represents. Good quality jigsaw puzzles for kids are a good investment because children can use them year after year. You may also look for puzzles at yard sales, thrift shops, and lending toy libraries. Children who are developing the ability to use scissors can cut pictures from magazines to create their own jigsaw puzzle. Simply mount the pictures on cardboard and cut into large pieces. Homemade puzzles can make great gifts, too!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Saturday Evening Post Jigsaw Puzzle

For over three quarters of a century, master artist Norman Rockwell has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of Americans with his beloved Saturday Evening Post cover illustrations. Born in New York in 1894, Norman Rockwell painted his first of 322 Saturday Evening Post covers at the age of 22. This remarkable affiliation would span two World Wars and chronicle the invention of telephone, radio, automobiles and television. These two 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles depict the rich quality in his art. No other artist’s imagery speaks so directly to the essence of American life. In a style rich with humor and candor, Norman Rockwell conveys the ideals of freedom, democracy and equality. Truly the "People’s Painter", Norman Rockwell's Saturday Evening Post covers unveil the poignant beauty of everyday life. These superbly crafted Saturday Evening Post jigsaw puzzles encourage the rediscovery and enjoyment of a marvelous piece of American Art History; still so relevant for today.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Moose Jigsaw Puzzles

Moose are the largest of all the deer species. Males are immediately recognizable by their huge antlers, which can spread 6 feet from end to end. Moose have long faces that dangle over their chins. A flap of skin known as a bell sways beneath each moose's throat as seen in this moose puzzle.
Moose are so tall they prefer to graze on higher grasses and shrubs because it is difficult lowering their heads to the ground. In the winter they eat shrubs and pine cones, but they also scrape the snow with their large hooves to clear areas for eating mosses and lichens. These hooves also act as snowshoes to support these heavy animals in soft snow and in muddy or marshy ground.
In the summer, food is far more plentiful in the northern regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. Moose are often seen in lakes, rivers, or wetlands, feeding on aquatic plants both at and below the surface. Moose are actually at home in the water and, despite their staggering size, they are good swimmers. They have been seen paddling several miles at a time, and will even submerge completely, staying under for 30 seconds or more. They can run up to 35 miles an hour over short distances, and trot steadily at 20 miles an hour.
Males, called bulls, bellow loudly to attract mates each September and October as seen in the beautiful courtship of this colorful moose jigsaw puzzle. The usually solitary bulls may come together at this time to battle with their antlers for mating supremacy. After mating, the two sexes go their separate ways until the following year. Though they may occasionally feed in the same grounds, they tend to ignore each other. Females give birth to one or two calves in the spring—each weighing some 30 pounds. These calves grow quickly and can outrun a person by the time they are just five days old. Young moose stay with their mothers until the following mating season and then are on their own.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Stuffed Black Panther

A realistic stuffed black panther with soft black fur would be an exotic pal for any age child.
Black panthers are born of black or fair-colored spotted leopards, along with other fair-colored spotted leopard cubs. Black Panthers are known by different names in different parts of the world. In Latin America, Black Panthers are known as black jaguars; in Asia and Africa, they are called black leopards, whereas in North America, they are called black cougars. They are carnivorous mammals, which are excellent tree-climbers. Black Panthers are listed in the group of endangered species. Black Panthers are known to have large paws that are very strong. They have soft pads and fur in between their toes, which enable them to have a silent walk while chasing its prey. They can also pull their claws in while walking or running which helps keep them sharp. Can you imagine if your child or grandchild was the only one at school that had a plush black panther? He or She would probably be the most popular kid in kindergarten.